Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283 proudly welcomed District Deputy Grand Master R.’.W.’. Robert D. Thompson on his official visit to JPL.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email

Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283 proudly welcomed District Deputy Grand Master R.’.W.’. Robert D. Thompson on his official visit to JPL.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
JPL Lodge No. 1283 Past Master W.’. Bro. David Bindel presented a very insightful lecture on a trestleboard for a meaningful Masonic labor at Plano Lodge No. 768.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
Past Master of JPL 1283 and current JPL Secretary, Worshipful Brother David Bindel is joined by Brothers from JPL, Bro. Aguilar, Bro. Gow and Junior Warden, Bro. Blakely at Texas State Cemetery. The Brethren of JPL is paying their respects to Past Grand Master (1915), of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas Jewel P. Lightfoot who’s contributions to the craft has made a lasting impact. JPL 1283 is named after our Past Grand Master in his honor.
Senior Warden Bro. David Hill of Parsons Lodge 222 of Austin, Texas, Past Master of San Marcos Lodge 342, Worshipful Brother John Tolbert of San Marcos, Texas and Worshipful Master, Brother Tom McGuire of Round Rock Lodge 227 of Round Rock, Texas also Joined to pay their respects.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
Brethren, join us in this excellent presentation by Brother ∴ David Hill. The Psychology of Initiation, is a presentation you will not want to miss!
-Open to all Masons
-Dinner in the Dillard room
-Masonic Dress/Dark suit
June 28th 2018 @ 7:00 PM – RSVP on Facebook. For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283 initiates the newest Entered Apprentice Mason in the State of Texas tonight. Welcome to Craft, worthy brother! We appreciate all those who participated in this degree and made this night possible.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
For this month’s Building the Temple Masonic Education meeting, Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283 proudly welcomed Bro. Chuck Dunning, Jr. who gave an extraordinary presentation on the Psychology of Freemason.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283 passes the newest Fellow Craft Mason in the State of Texas tonight. Welcome to the Fellow Craft Degree, Worthy Brother!
We appreciate all those who participated in this degree and made this night possible.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283 passes the newest Fellow Craft Mason in the State of Texas tonight. Welcome to the Fellow Craft Degree, Worthy Brother!
We appreciate all those who participated in this degree and made this night possible.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283 initiates the newest Entered Apprentice Mason in the State of Texas tonight. Welcome to Craft, Worthy Brother!
We appreciate all those who participated in this degree and made this night possible.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email