For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email

Yesterday on the 69th anniversary of Jewel P. Lightfoot’s death, Masons from several lodges gathered at his grave in Austin for a memorial tribute to him, including a wreath-laying, some readings from Lightfoot’s Manual of the Lodge, and prayer for our Craft and its leaders.Brother Lightfoot served as* Attorney General for the State of Texas* Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Texas* Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas* Grand Master of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas* Grand Commander of the Grand Commandery of Texas, Knights TemplarHe was also an instrumental figure in the history of the Scottish Rite in Austin, and beyond Texas, served as a national officer in the Red Cross of Constantine.He is revered as one of the greatest and most prominent Masonic esotericists in the history of Texas Masonry, and is responsible for the assignment of the symbolic designs featured on the aprons of the Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter, and Grand Council in Texas.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
JPL Lodge No. 1283 proudly welcomes a new Entered Apprentice Mason this evening. Congratulations to our new brother and welcome to the craft!
We are grateful to all those who participated in this degree and made this memorable night possible.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283 passes the newest Fellow Craft Mason in the State of Texas tonight. Welcome to the Fellow Craft Degree, Worthy Brother!
We appreciate all those who participated in this degree and made this night possible.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283 held its annual festive board on April 13, 2019 with Bro. Josef Wäges as the keynote speaker.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
JPL Lodge No. 1283 proudly welcomes a new Entered Apprentice Mason this evening. Congratulations to our new brother and welcome to the craft!
We are grateful to all those who participated in this degree and made this memorable night possible.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283 passes the newest Fellow Craft Mason in the State of Texas tonight. Welcome to the Fellow Craft Degree, Worthy Brother!
We appreciate all those who participated in this degree and made this night possible.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283 honored Mr. Israel Rivera with the Mirabeau B. Lamar Excellence in Education Medal at the 14th District MWSA 2019 Lamar Award Banquet.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
Jewel P. Lightfoot Lodge No. 1283 passes the newest Fellow Craft Mason in the State of Texas tonight. Welcome to the Fellow Craft Degree, Worthy Brother!
We appreciate all those who participated in this degree and made this night possible.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email
RW Sir Garth James is also a recipient of the Golden Trowel Award in 2005 given by the Governor of Texas.
For more information about Masonry and when we meet, please email